Depois de lançar há alguns meses "Tiger Bay" (1994) e "Finisterre" (2002) em formato de luxo, a banda britânica Saint Etienne decidiu reeditar outros dois álbuns, nesta caso "Good Humor" (1998) e "Tales From Turnpike House" (2005).
Será no próximo dia 25 de Outubro quando a Universal colocará a venda ambos trabalhos em formato duplo de CD, o primeiro com o disco original e o segundo com lados b e faixas inéditas.
As faixas de "Good Humor" são:
- 01 ‘Wood Cabin’
- 02 ‘Sylvie’
- 03 ‘Split Screen’
- 04 ‘Mr Donut’
- 05 ‘Goodnight Jack’
- 06 ‘Lose That Girl’
- 07 ‘The Bad Photographer’
- 08 ‘Been So Long’
- 09 ‘Postman’
- 10 ‘Erica America’
- 11 ‘Dutch TV’
- 01 ‘Hill Street Connection’
- 02 ‘Hit the Brakes’
- 03 ‘Madeleine’
- 04 ‘Swim Swan Swim’
- 05 ‘4.35 in the Morning’
- 06 ‘Clark Co. Record Fair’
- 07 ‘Zipcode’
- 08 ‘My Name Is Vlaovic’
- 09 ‘Afraid To Go Home’
- 10 ‘La La La’
- 11 ‘Do You Love Me’
- 12 ‘Cat Nap’
- 13 ‘Jack Lemmon’
- 14 ‘Constantly’
- 15 ‘The Emidisc Theme’
- 16 ‘4.35 in the Morning (Original Version)’
As faixas de "Tales From Turnpike House" são:
- 01 ‘Sun in My Morning’
- 02 ‘Milk Bottle Symphony’
- 03 ‘Lightning Strikes Twice’
- 04 ‘Slow Down at the Castle’
- 05 ‘A Good Thing’
- 06 ‘Side Streets’
- 07 ‘Last Orders for Gary Stead’
- 08 ‘Stars Above Us’
- 09 ‘Relocate’
- 10 ‘Birdman of EC1’
- 11 ‘Teenage Winter’
- 12 ‘Goodnight’
- 01 ‘Murder in E Minor’
- 02 ‘Take Me Home (On a Pushbike)’
- 03 ‘Another Cup of Coffee (Mike & the Mechanics Cover)’
- 04 ‘School Run’
- 05 ‘You Can Judge a Book By It’s Cover’
- 06 ‘Who Pays The Rent’
- 07 ‘Woodhenge’
- 08 ‘Got a Job’
- 09 ‘Must Be More’
- 10 ‘Holiday Song’
- 11 ‘The Leyton Art Inferno’
- 12 ‘Missing Persons Bureau’
- 13 ‘Inside The Hive’
- 14 ‘Aqualad’
- 15 ‘Book Norton’
- 16 ‘Quiet Essex’
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